Monday, April 24, 2006


I know this is strange an unlike me but I thought I would just write about a few things on my mind.. So I was thinking about something pastor said on Sunday and came up with this question..maybe some of you have a good answer.."How do you go towards what you want, without seeking after the things you don't have?". Now I know this sounds like it is a easy answer but I just find that it isn't THAT easy. I mean you want to move forward in your life and move into a new stage, right. Well you also don't want to get so focused on the things you don't have that you then loose sight of the great thing that are in front of you. I guess its about balance and finding a good middle ground. That's what I have been thinking about the last day.
Also my old friend who is still dear to my heart is moving away and I have been thinking about trying to talk to her one more time before she goes. I feel like I want to tell her I'll be there for her when she is ready and the Lord loves her but I know she already knows that. Maybe it's just closer I seek? So what do you say to someone who has closed the book on you but you feel like there is still so much unsaid for yourself? I think I will write something in a card and send it..
On a happy note when God closes the door on one thing He sure does open another. I have been so blessed to find new friends to share life together. I see even now that the Lord is bring new people into my life everyday..It's one of those things that once you put forward even the littlest effort God meets you.


MKD said...

Ohmigosh, I had to double check I was on the Thompson Family Train blog because there were only words & no pictures of cute little kids!!!! Way to write Mel!
I too will be curious to read any comments left on this entry. talk to you soon!!

Cagle Clan said...

Mel, could you explain the first part a little better? I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about. I'm a little slow....sorry! :)
About the friend thing, I think sending her a card that simply tells her you love her and always will, and if ever she wants to return to the Lord and His plan for her life, that you will always be here for her would be good.

Parties by Design said...

The first part is just the question that I have stated. How do you go twards what you want without seeking after the things you don't have. You of course want to go twards what you want but you don't want to SEEK after things you dont have becasuse that could be allowing yourself to covet or want in a unhealthy way. I really think the answer lies in what I said...Balance..

DN said...

You closed the book. The departure of Mary and Karon has allowed you to get to the spot you always wanted to be. I hope it was worth what you lost and if you think its just my friendship, you are mistaken. You don't kow what it means to be a Christian. Christian don't tell each other to cut people off. Christians don't take people's donated money and then never talk to them again. Chrisitans understand what it means to be a family. If and when I come back, it won't be because of you. Infact, it is because of you that I will never set foot in church again. Church does not equal God. You never truely knew me.

Carpenters said...

Anytime a friend moves no matter how rough or rocky a relationship has been you always feel a bit sad. If a relationship ends on a bad note we feel even more sad and responsible. I trully believe in cards even if they never read them. All we can do is love them and pray for them. Friends come and go sometimes, especially as we grow up and mature and our lives change. I enjoyed getting to know you even before we had decided to move or Kurt and Mary decided to move. I think age can bring maturity and things of the past can be dissolved. I love your personality and your spunk and how important you family is to you. You are such a universal woman too, with all your creativity and projects. There are no "popular" people unless it means they are liked by many :) Dont' let someone's stigma, jealousy, or bitterness change who you are or what you believe.

Carpenters said...

WOW! Is all I have to say about the last comment.

Melissa, Here's my input, for what its worth, on your question. It is definitely a balancing act to go after what we want, and not just seek what we don't have. The bible tells us "to seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." It also says " Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."

As long as you are seeking His kingdom everything else falls in line. Our human nature strives for things of this world. I know for me personally I always want the things that are just out of my reach, but God knows what I want and as I love and serve him he is faithful to fulfill his promise that he will add all these things unto me.

Hope this gives you a starting point on your journey. :)


Parties by Design said...

Thanks Guys I love you all..Julia you too for the email you sent to my home, also Jess the one at home too. Thank you Karon and Justin. I know it is not me this friend hates but Christ in me.
ps.Glad to know that this person has been checking up on my family and blog, love you!

DN said...

Not checking on you...I am more narcissitic than that. I am check how Marcie might have found out I was moving!

DN said...

And HOW DARE YOU! I don't hate Christ in you. That is your only redeeming quality.

Parties by Design said...

I was hoping you would say that! Thanks for the complement.Don't worry I love that you check in on my blog, it shows you still care.