Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So I see that some of you are confused by my last blog entry. Yes Mike and I are going to make a move to Burleson Texas this July. We are very excited and at the same time nervous as we make such a big change.

We really believe that there are some great things in store for our family there. We know right now our number one priority is to try to give our kids the best life we can. We know that the education in Texas is A1. We also beleive that the "bible belt" has a diffrent feel to it..less liberal than Washington..and as we know in a day and age that kids are so influenced by there surroundings we really want to surround them the best we know how.

Some of you dont know, but I lived in Texas before here and know first hand how this move will be benifical.

We also know that the cost of living is cheaper.. :) So we hope that this will allow us to have things we would never be able to afford here.

Please be praying as we make this move that Gods blessing will be upon us and he will lead and direct us to GREAT things..including jobs and a church!

This is very hard to move away from things so close to us.

This anniversry of RLC will also mark 10 years Mike and I have been with RLC. So its sad to leave the things you grew up with. Mike and I were looking at the Long girls ( a family in our church) and admiring the way they have grown up before our eyes...this is the case for many of the kids at church.

I will terriablly miss my best friend and all the other awsome friends I have..I hold a piece of them with me.

Mikes family are here and will be leaving behind and although they have a brave face I know it must tear them up inside..They hang onto the truth of blessings in our lives.

So I hope that helps with some questions :)


Anonymous said...
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Andrea said...

Well, that's a little better...I still want more details, though! Ha! God bless you guys! Sounds like an adventure, for sure!

Anonymous said...

Good luck!! I pray that you guys will find everything that you are looking for and more! I am excited to read all about your families new Texan adventures.

Searching for my Sanity or Jen...whichever you prefer... said...

Well congrats to you on such a big step! We will miss you and your beautiful family at church but pray everything works out well. :) And boy is your next church lucky to get such an awesome family!
