Friday, March 23, 2007


Anyone know any good natural cures for "morning sickness" that lasts all day. I have been out for a week unable to go and do anything!! I am willing to try just about anything :) I didnt have this with the other kids so it is a new thing... I did get some prego-pops that are sour flavor that seem to take the edge off, but thats about it. Any thoughts??

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Surprise....Be the first to know!


Although the picture is small...I can tell you for sure it is a baby..

Mike and I were say the find out we will be having another baby. My due date is around the end of October. Another ultra sound is scheduled for 5 weeks "just to be sure" its only one baby. We are shocked but at the same time blessed!
One thing I have realized in all this..I have so little control in this life :) The Lord continues to bless me beyond my own comprehension.
"A good man's (woman's) steps are ordered by the Lord"