Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile..
Things have been crazy here..I have had 3 people move into our house in the last week.
I am also very busy with the administration of the children's ministry of my church Lifegate.
In addition to that we have been trying to stay focused on trusting the Lord for our prosperity. Any one of the above is add them together and you have a big pile of..well you know :)

We don't have any "Real" pumpkin patches we went to the closest one, which happen to be 45 min away..I know right? Yes everyone buys there pumpkins in the store here. So next year I will be growing pumpkins in my yard :)
Here are some pictures

Now normally I have pictures with me and the kids..But it was a bad "figure" day soo Dad was the one in front of the camera

Well, here is one of me from the good part up :)
And my sister who is expecting a baby..

And who can resist the baby again


Andrea said...

Cute! Yeah, I think we probably take all the pumpkin patches for granted around here!

MKD said...

A BABY????? WHAT?>?????
Crap-sorry I didn't call you back the other life feels so busy for some reason and its really not, I just fake it real good.

Grow you own pumpkins *sniff* I ((heart)) you!