Monday, March 17, 2008

Dylan's story of rolling over..

"I was in the middle of playing with my toys when I heard something behind me..which gave me the idea"....

"I think I'm going to flip over"..

"Wow..I did it"!

"Look at me..mommy is soo proud that I can't help but smile"


The Riley's said...

My sweet baby Dylan... Getting so big already!

MKD said...

Good Lord! When did he decide to grow up!!! It happens so day rolling over the next day going into 4th grade...sigh..oh wait, thats my reality! LOL!

Searching for my Sanity or Jen...whichever you prefer... said...

oh my sweet. :) What a cute baby boy he is...but then all your kids are cute!

Cagle Clan said...

Wow, look at those eyes! TOO CUTE!

Andrea said...

Cute! That's great that you documented that!

Lori said...

He looks just like Mike. You must be very proud.

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