Thursday, April 26, 2007

Spirit of Wawshington Dinner Train

Last night we went out with John and Jess and enjoyed a great night on the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train. We cant wait for our next "out of the box" double date. Here are some pictures and I'm sure Jess's blog will have some pictures soon too. Thanks for a memoriable night guys, we love ya!!


Cagle Clan said...

That was SO much fun!!!!
I just put pics on my blog too!
None of the dumpster tho...hehehe

Andrea said...

I've never done the dinner train. I'm afraid I'd be too motion sick! Good for you for trying it while pregnant!

MKD said...

Mel! I can see a baby popping out there!! Oh I hate being so far from you guys. Noah asks about Alexis all the time. You are known as "Alexis's mom" to Noah. When we told Noah you were having another baby he said, "I don't know if they can feed all those kids!"
Thanks Noah! He has so much faith in people!

Parties by Design said...

Andrea, both Jess and I get motion sick and we were both fine! So I would try it before it is no longer running!!
Marcie, That made me laugh out loud..I hope we can feed them all too! :)

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Glad you had fun!